Friday, August 24

Catch up time again.

Saturday 18th August.

Remained on our mooring in Gloucester Dock, waiting for C & G to arrive from Saul.

After I had taken the dogs for a walk around the Docks I went shopping in Gloucester for some more bottles of distilled water (for the boat's batteries) from the 99p shop.

We then went off shopping at Sainsburys, as we passed by the front of the store C & G were just pulling in to moor, a short greeting and explanation,and we carried on to do the shopping.

We then popped over to the "Outlet Shops" to see if anything new had arrived since last weekend.
Oh yes there was one or two things, Jo managed to find two dresses and a handbag, plus one or two other incidentals!!

Jo then joined Carolann to go shopping in the town

We all went out in the evening to Pizza Express.

Sunday 19th August.

8.00 am ready for the off, we have to pass under the road lift bridge in the dock before we get to the lock, neither are open until 8.00 am.

Having passed under the lift bridge we could see other boats manoeuvring to enter the lock, we continued on and were waived in by the lock keeper.
Looking forward
 Looking astern
At total of six boats were packed in before we descended the lock.

We exited the lock at 8.30 am. As we were the last to enter the lock we felt it would be polite to offer to hold back and let one of the other boats go out first. We were the second boat to leave, Graham was fourth.

The tide on River Severn was going out and had only just turned so we were going against a very strong current. Now this was causing a bit of a problem to me as the boat in front of me was not going as fast as I would have preferred, nor Jo, who was complaining and trying to get me to "gun it" and get past him. The channel from Gloucester lock to the main river is too narrow to do anything daft so we plodded on. Graham had got an older smaller boat and even slower in front of him so he was falling further behind. However we got to the main body of the river and it wasn't  long before we were in gold and silver positions.
Sailing on still against the current but it had eased off a bit as the river here was a lot wider.

We found a mooring  at the Lower Lode Hotel on a floating pontoon, for both our boats, having received recommendations for the Sunday lunches at the hotel, we went for a very good meal.

Monday 20th August.

Some time late last year I had one of my bow thruster propellers drop off, I had managed to recover from the tube earlier this year. Since then I had been looking for a suitable launching ramp to slide the bow of the boat up so that I could attempt to put the prop.back on.

No, it didn't work, the boat didn't slide up the ramp far enough

Sailed off up the river passing Tewkesbury and moored at Upton on Severn.

Guess what, we had to go back to the shops! two more pairs of shoes later, a wander around the town and back to the boats.

Tuesday 21st August.

Then another cruise up the river on a nice hot day.
Pulled in at Worcester, Diglis moored on a floating pontoon (you can just see us in the distance).

We had a nice long walk along by the river.

Wednesday 22nd August.

Off up the river again.

Sailing past Worcester.

Arrived at Stourport.

 Moved up the locks.

 Moored for the night outside the Tontine.
Thursday 23rd August.
Sailed towards the first lock of the day the other side of the basin just after 9.00 am.
Eight miles and seven locks later we moored before bridge 27 Whittington lock.
A long day, with a shortage of moorings we had to continue longer than we would have liked. Snuggled down and had a rest.

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