Wednesday, April 3

Leaving our winter moorings.

3rd April 2012

Getting ready to leave our Market Harborough moorings tomorrow!

Yes it's been a long winter, but it is our plan to set off on our cruising tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4

Tuesday 4th August.
Early walk with the dogs towards the Armitage Tunnel expecting yesterdays sun and warmth, but no it was back a step to cloud, cool and a bit of a breeze.
We set off on the boats towards the tunnel at 8.30 am. a nice gentle cruise hoping to moor just above Woodend lock (before Fradley) for the day.
All went nearly as planned except when we arrived at Woodend lock there were four boats moored. One was moored and stopping, the others were all progressing down the lock, with no room for us to moor we followed on down the locks.
As we approached the next lock (Shade House Lock) we found an abundance of moorings so we pulled in and set the chairs up for a coffee and a chat.
But as we couldn't get a TV picture either on the satellite or digital and the ladies had programmes to watch tonight, it was decided that we continue cruising and head down the Coventry Canal for a bit.
Off we cruised the weather was now showing signs of improving, descending two more locks, there were more boats waiting to come up the locks, so we had lots of crew on the locks to assist our passage down.  The sun was keeping out and it was getting warmer. Just over three miles from Fradley we stopped and moored just after King's Orchard Bridge No. 85.
Yes the chairs came out again for tea and cake, then we all set about our various boat duties, then when we had had enough of that it was back to the chairs to enjoy the now hot sun with an ice cream cornet followed by wine or soft drinks, then in for dinner.
Sunset this evening

Monday, September 3

Thursday 30th August.
Moved off from Cross Green desperate to fill the water tanks (last filled up with water at Stour Port on Friday night)!!!

Continuing up the Staffs and Worcester Canal. Four miles to Gailey and we took on water, it seemed to take an age, but it would as we were near to sucking air through the taps.
Started cruising again, after three miles and five locks we were at Penkridge. We are here to restock with provisions Penkridge has a nice group of shops the largest being the Co op.

Friday 31st August.
Still moored at Penkridge.
Today we are going on the bus to Stafford, for some more advanced shopping, like M&S, Boots and Wilkinsons.
Back at the boat for lunch.

Saturday 1st September.

It's my turn to fetch the papers so I was off before eight with the dogs, to get back to the boat to set off cruising, travelling north. Six miles and five locks later we moored below Deptmore Lock.

Sunday 2nd September.
Moving off again towards Great Hayward. Five Miles and one lock later we are at Tixall wide and moored up and enjoyed the views and good weather, together with the tea coffee etc. on the bank.
I washed the boat then polished one side of the boat.

Monday 3rd September.
Autumn Years at Tixall Wide
Moved down to the water taps at the junction, we were lucky as we could both get in and put on water.
Then we set off towards Rugeley, two locks and five miles we moored in Rugeley. Had lunch and nipped into town to shop.
Then off to moor near the Ash Tree pub at bridge 62 Armitage.
The weather today has been hot and sunny most of the day

Wednesday, August 29

Sunday 26th August.

Set off after our day of rest yesterday and strait into our first lock of the day , Swindon lock, and then one more. This was followed by a double staircase lock at Botterham, one singe lock then
 Bratch locks that are single locks but are more like a staircase.

Then two locks and we started to look for a mooring, that proved to be difficult as the banks were heavily over grown, however we managed to pull in after bridge 55 Castle Croft. We were expecting the weather to turn nasty tomorrow so we were prepared to have another rest day.

Monday 27th August.

The weather looked as though it was going to turn bad later, but it was not raining yet
On taking the dogs out for their first walk of the day we walked towards the next bridge (56), where there was a good mooring with rings and no boats on it. Then I walked up the slope at the side of the bridge and could see the Mermaid Pub/ restaurant it looked very nice.
On my return to the boats I reported to C & G and it was decided to move the boats down to the moorings now, before the bad weather came and we could go for lunch at The Mermaid later. At lunch time we all went and had a very good meal there.
Got back to the boats yes we had some rain but not quite as bad as it had forecast.

Tuesday 28th August.

Just three locks, all within the first mile then we are on the summit, a full eleven miles before the first lock at Gailey.

 We sailed past Aldersley Junction and then past Autherley Junction on through the stone cutting and moored just past the Fox and Anchor.

Coffee on the bank followed by a glass or two of wine.

Wednesday 29th August.

Another day of bad weather forecast, so we are not moving today. Jo did some more home baking and I caught up with man jobs.

Saturday, August 25

Friday 24th August

Set sail up the Staffs and Worcester seven and a half miles and 8 locks later we moored up at Swindon Bridge. This journey was a most pleasant trip with some of the best canal country and challenging bends as it follows the Smestow Brook and clings to the side of rock walls.

Saturday 25th August.

A rest day, Grahams turn to collect the news papers.

Morning coffee on the bank watching the clouds as it threatened rain, afternoon tea on Autumn Years whilst it poured with rain out side. Otherwise the day was a good one with the sun shinning most of the day.

Friday, August 24

Catch up time again.

Saturday 18th August.

Remained on our mooring in Gloucester Dock, waiting for C & G to arrive from Saul.

After I had taken the dogs for a walk around the Docks I went shopping in Gloucester for some more bottles of distilled water (for the boat's batteries) from the 99p shop.

We then went off shopping at Sainsburys, as we passed by the front of the store C & G were just pulling in to moor, a short greeting and explanation,and we carried on to do the shopping.

We then popped over to the "Outlet Shops" to see if anything new had arrived since last weekend.
Oh yes there was one or two things, Jo managed to find two dresses and a handbag, plus one or two other incidentals!!

Jo then joined Carolann to go shopping in the town

We all went out in the evening to Pizza Express.

Sunday 19th August.

8.00 am ready for the off, we have to pass under the road lift bridge in the dock before we get to the lock, neither are open until 8.00 am.

Having passed under the lift bridge we could see other boats manoeuvring to enter the lock, we continued on and were waived in by the lock keeper.
Looking forward
 Looking astern
At total of six boats were packed in before we descended the lock.

We exited the lock at 8.30 am. As we were the last to enter the lock we felt it would be polite to offer to hold back and let one of the other boats go out first. We were the second boat to leave, Graham was fourth.

The tide on River Severn was going out and had only just turned so we were going against a very strong current. Now this was causing a bit of a problem to me as the boat in front of me was not going as fast as I would have preferred, nor Jo, who was complaining and trying to get me to "gun it" and get past him. The channel from Gloucester lock to the main river is too narrow to do anything daft so we plodded on. Graham had got an older smaller boat and even slower in front of him so he was falling further behind. However we got to the main body of the river and it wasn't  long before we were in gold and silver positions.
Sailing on still against the current but it had eased off a bit as the river here was a lot wider.

We found a mooring  at the Lower Lode Hotel on a floating pontoon, for both our boats, having received recommendations for the Sunday lunches at the hotel, we went for a very good meal.

Monday 20th August.

Some time late last year I had one of my bow thruster propellers drop off, I had managed to recover from the tube earlier this year. Since then I had been looking for a suitable launching ramp to slide the bow of the boat up so that I could attempt to put the prop.back on.

No, it didn't work, the boat didn't slide up the ramp far enough

Sailed off up the river passing Tewkesbury and moored at Upton on Severn.

Guess what, we had to go back to the shops! two more pairs of shoes later, a wander around the town and back to the boats.

Tuesday 21st August.

Then another cruise up the river on a nice hot day.
Pulled in at Worcester, Diglis moored on a floating pontoon (you can just see us in the distance).

We had a nice long walk along by the river.

Wednesday 22nd August.

Off up the river again.

Sailing past Worcester.

Arrived at Stourport.

 Moved up the locks.

 Moored for the night outside the Tontine.
Thursday 23rd August.
Sailed towards the first lock of the day the other side of the basin just after 9.00 am.
Eight miles and seven locks later we moored before bridge 27 Whittington lock.
A long day, with a shortage of moorings we had to continue longer than we would have liked. Snuggled down and had a rest.

Monday, August 20

Thursday 16th August.

Cruised to Saul Junction, filled the fuel tanks with diesel (@ .86p p.l.) at Saul Marina. Moved out of the Marina, turned and passed through the Saul swing bridge and moored up. Yet another walk to see the River Severn, extended by returning to the boat via a longer rout.

Having sat inside the boat for a little while we heard a knock on the boat, looking out we had a visit from Anne and Graham, boating friends from Market Harborough. A brief chat as they had their dogs with them and had to take them a walk.

Friday 17th August.
A forecast of rain, rain and rain today, with a lull between 9.00 and 1200am. At 9.30 it was still pouring, it stopped at 10.00 so we set off to Gloucester.

We were caught up by two large white cruisers and one medium cruiser. As they were faster than us we waived them to pass us, at the swing bridges we caught them up and scurried to keep up with them when the traffic lights changed to green.

Now being behind them we had to wait for all the bridges to be opened, even when we could have sailed under them. Some of the bridges were huge main road bridges, that we would have normally sailed under without bothering any one!

Arriving back at Gloucester to fill with water on the service point at 11.45, when the heavens opened.

We then pulled back along the moorings to moor for the night.

Thursday, August 16

The return of Acen!!

 Sorry about the missing days but we have been busy boating and then the Olympics it just made me lazy. So we're back.
We are sitting in the boat on the wettest day since we set out, six hours of solid rain. We are moored at Sharpness.

To catch up we left off at Springwood Haven on the 25th July.

Thursday 26th July
We set off in good weather, aiming to meet C & G at Fazeley tonight
Three and a bit miles arrived at the top of Atherstone locks, only could see one boat in front descending the first lock. So we started down, extremely hot, met a lot of boats coming the other way so that helped.
11.12am. at last lock.
15.00 Finished the Tamworth Locks.
15.30 arrived at Fazeley.
Chairs out on the bank, bubbly and cakes with C & G.

Saturday 28th July.
This is the day of the opening of the Olympic Games, we rang both our bells at the appropriate time (8.12 a.m.)
Moved off from Fazeley heading towards Birmingham on the Birmingham & Fazeley Canal. A good days cruising. We stopped at Minworth for the night.

Sunday 29th July

Moved off early to get through all the locks and hopefully moor in Birmingham soon after noon.
Having passed through the junction under the M6 near Spaghetti Junction we were well on our schedule.
At the Aston Flight we moved through the first pound and as we arrived at the next lock we were called on the VHF by Graham (who was in front of us) that he was stuck in the middle of the next pound due to the lack of water in it and if we were to use our lock we would deprive his pound of more water.
He had phoned CRT (BW) who were starting at the top of the flight letting water down and should be with us later.
In the meantime we had to be careful that the lock bellow us wasn't being used or we would be stuck.
Eventually the CRT men arrived and the pound that Autumn Years was in was watered and he moved up the locks.
We then moved up the lock to the pound that he had moved out of and promptly got stuck on the bottom where Autumn Years had been stuck!! More water was let down and eventually we escaped the pound. A bit of a nightmare.
We continued up the flight struggling in some places due to the lack of water.
Then on to the Farmers Bridge Locks. Although they were ok, with the day being made into a long one it wasn't the best way for the ladies to spend a Sunday.
Around 17.00 moored in Birmingham near the NIA, a very long day.

Monday 30th July.

Rested and had a look around.
At night we went to the Hippodrome to see Dirty Dancing.
Tuesday 31st July.
In the morning we all did the shops. In the afternoon we had a very interesting trip to the Back to Back Houses.

Wednesday 1st August.
Cruised past Gas Street Basin, filled with water and set off on the Worcester & Birmingham Canal. Stopping at Sainsburys near Selly Oak did essential shopping. On through the Wast Hills Tunnel all 2726 yds. and moored past Alvechurch Marina.
Thursday 2nd August.
Through the Shortwood Tunnel a mere 613 yds. then the Tardebigge Tunnel only 580 yds.
9.00 a.m at the top of Tardebigge Locks 30 locks later we cleared the bottom lock and moored up at 13. 20.
 All the locks were done in good weather but after we moored up it poured with rain.
We all went for dinner at the Queen's by bridge 48 and had a very good meal.
Friday 3rd August.
 A good cruising day, 12 locks.
We moored at the Junction with the Droitwich Canal at Hambury.
Saturday 4th August.
Turned onto the Droitwich Canal and started the descent of the locks. 5 locks and a crawl through high reeds we arrived at Droitwich and moored in the marina. It was a very nice mooring secured by a locked gate and surrounded the park, it was a short walk to the town and a good variety of shops.

Sunday 5th August.
Remained on the mooring and continued to enjoy our visit to Droitwich.
C&G were visited by Bob & June and their dog Phoenix, so it was Tea, coffee, cake & wine!!
Monday 6th August.
We had to stop another day in Droitwich as we had to have our girls Purdy & Darcey treated at a vet's.
it was just a precautionary treatment.
Tuesday 7th August.
It was time to move off, but as we  were going to tackle the River Seven after only a few miles Graham checked first with the lock keeper on the Seven and he gave us the OK.

More high reeds in a narrow navigation, 8 locks and we were on the Seven.
No problems the water was flowing gently. Through Bever Lock and a gentle cruise to Worcester.
Moored on the moorings next to the race course. It was a good mooring but dirty with the silt from when the river had washed over it. It was quite windy and the dust was blowing over the boat.
The dogs loved the race track and were able to have a good run.

Wednesday 8th August.
During the night we had some rain, which had turned the dry dirt on the bank into thick slimy mud. Before we could move off the boat had to be mopped down.
Passed through Diglis Lock and cruised down river to Uppton on Seven, ware we were able to moor on an empty floating pontoon.
Walked into the town. Uppton is a lovely interesting town, we visited a museum and several shops.

Thursday 9th August
Set off down river heading towards Gloucester.

Moored up for three days to view Gloucester, particularly the Outlet Shops near the Docks!!!!

Monday 13th August.

Set off towards Sharpness in good weather cruising the five miles to Saul Junction moored up.
Set off on a walk to view the River Seven.

Tuesday 14th August.

Sailed all the way to Sharpness and moored up just past the remains of the railway bridge that crossed the River Seven, until a foggy night in 1959 when an oil carrying barge hit the bridge, followed by another barge carrying petrol collided with that and demolished a span. The bridge was later demolished. We walked into Sharpness and around the docks.
In the evening we visited the Dockers Club for dinner.

Wednesday 15th August.

Heavy rain was forecast for most of the day, so we remained inside the boat until the rain and wind had stopped at about 15.00. Caught up with all the jobs and Jo did some cooking.

Wednesday, July 25

Wednesday 25th June.

8.15 am. Set off from All Oaks Wood a few boats had set off before us, as we arrived at the swing bridge at Stretton Stop we were catching up with them. Fortunately they were not going as slow as yesterdays crawlers and we cruised at a fair speed.

10.45 am. Arrived at Hawksbury Junction, we were at the tail of a convoy of six boats, plus two boats already there. So we had to wait a bit.

11.30 We left Hawksbury and sailed off without  any boats visible in front.

12.00 Past the entrance to the Ashby canal. shortly after that we saw a white cruiser in front, but he was going a fair pace and disappeared after a while.

We were cracking on, going around a sharp bend the white cruiser was coming towards us completely on our side, although there was plenty of room to pass us he went full speed astern bow to bow with us!! had he looked around to his rear he would have seen a 60 ft. narrowboat steaming up behind him. The narrow boat went into full astern and jammed across the canal, the cruiser then went into forward gear and shot off passed us.

 No damage done just a bit shocked. We then got behind the two slow boats that we were behind yesterday, fortunately we only had two mile to go to our planned mooring at Springwood Haven.
Just three and a bit miles to the top of Atherstone Locks.
Then a long rest in the sunshine. 

Tuesday, July 24

Tuesday 24th July.

8.0 am. Started off on a hot clear sunny morning cruising towards Hilmorton Locks.

9.0 am. Passed NB. Idunno (our winter mooring neighbours Gill& Don)  moored up, we called them but all we got was a call through open window hoppers with curtains closed.

10.0 am. Arrived at Hilmorton Locks where a boat was rising in the first lock, a short wait and we started.

10.45 am. Exited the third lock and set sail towards Rugby, we picked up a lot of boats following us.

11.30 am. Moored up on the park side at Rugby near Tesco. I set off with my little list to shop, Jo started lunch. On my return we had lunch.

1.30 pm. We started cruising again north east. Unfortunately we picked up a slow moving boat in front that cruised past moored boats so slow I had to take the engine out of gear (and there was a lot of moored boats), on clear stretches we didn't move a lot faster, so it was taking longer than we thought to get on.  

Monday, July 23

Monday 23rd July.

A late start this morning setting off at 9.45 am.

Still hot and sunny. Arrived at the top of Watford Locks at 10.15
 Jo set off to find the Lock keeper who was part way down the locks who told her that we could start our way down.

Not many boats around the locks, so we made good time passing through.

Cruised on to Norton Junction and turned towards Braunston and the tunnel.

Still not many boats moving so we expected not to meet many boats in the tunnel. We hesitated at the beginning of the tunnel whilst a boat exited it, he warned us that there was a boat behind him about 200 yards in. We sailed in and yes we passed that boat, then two more that were day boats, then three more before we exited. No problems with any of them.
At the top of the Braunston Locks we met a single hander who we had met two days before at Foxton.
When I entered the top lock to join him we decided to breast up and move the boats through the locks together.
All went well, there was a good level of traffic so it meant it was easier as gates were being left open as we left locks.
Moored up in Braunston for lunch, I paid a visit to the chandlers at the bottom of the lock.
Watered up and moved off to about two miles out of the village.

Sunday, July 22

Ok were back in action, done all the none boating things and are ready to Blog!!

Finally having returned from a visit to our family in Canada we are back in the UK, cleared our jet lag from flying from Vancouver some eight hours behind the UK.

Friday 20th July.

Cleared the moorings in Market Harborough on a dry bright morning and set sail towards Foxton Locks.We have a new crew member our Grand Daughter Amelia just for the trip  today. Amelia was made Chief Engineer and had the job of moving the Morse control to the engine rev's I called out.
It wasn't long before the sky darkened and it pored with rain (what's new) it didn't last long and the cruise was continued in the dry and warm.
 Amelia assisted at the Foxton Road swing bridge.

We moored outside the Foxton Locks Inn.

Saturday 21st July.
After collecting the news paper, I walked up to the top of the locks to check in with the lock keeper who walked with me down to the bottom and prepared the lock while I returned to the boat, Jo set off to start the locking and I manoeuvred the boat in to the first lock.
A good easy trip up the locks taking 50 minuets to get to the top, in fine hot sunshine. At the top we stopped to top up the water tank and called into Gary's Cafe for two hot chocolates. Lots of chatting and set off south.

There was very little boat traffic moving on the canal, we stopped and moored near bridge 40,

Sunday 22nd July.

Moved of at 9. am. on a warm sunny morning, the wind did pick up so a fleece was needed until the sun got hot. Still very little traffic to start with, after a little while met coming towards us David and Vivien on NB First Fruits, we stopped mid canal and caught up with their news, cruising on the traffic began to build up. We were in a three boat convoy all the way to Crick and passed many boat coming toward us. We stopped at the beginning of the Crick strait to chat with Lizzie on NB Panda and her parents on NB.The Gwynned. Then we cruised through the tunnel and moored up at the first mooring past the tunnel.

Saturday, May 5

Friday 4th May.

More rain over night.

Another knock on the roof that turned out to be our friend Jackie off Nb Ashdown she was passing through Crick on her way to the BCN with a friend.

Then we had to shoot off back to the Red Lion for lunch with some old friends and neighbours, that we have known for years, who live nearby.
Thursday 3rd May.

Set off to catch the bus in Crick to go to Rugby for shopping, the bus route through Crick has changed a bit since we last used it, it now goes strait down the Main Street and the bus stop is outside the Post Office.

Whilst we were in Rugby shopping we received a phone call from our friends Stephen and Sharron (NB Mutley) letting us know their dog "Brandy" had passed away. We were very upset as we had known Brandy for many years and our girls always looked forward to seeing him.
Wednesday 2nd May.

Wet and windy again.

Called on David and Jackie of D&J narrowboats (our boat fitter) to see how things were going, he's at the start of refitting the whole of "Dover" the 70 foot narrowboat that featured on the TV programme showing how it was fitted. It looks like it could keep him busy for the foreseeable future.
On returning to the boat and settling in we had a knock on the roof, out we popped to find Maz and Pete (NB Two Lazy Bees) who were moored up behind us and had been all night.

In the evening we returned to the Red Lion for dinner, with David & Jackie and Pete & Maz, another good meal and a night.
Tuesday 1st May.
Had some heavy rain over night but it looked good and clear by 8.30 am.

We were a bit low on water as we didn't fill with water when we set off from Foxton on Saturday as Jo had been doing the washing to catch up now we could dry the clothes easier, so we needed to get to Yelvertoft to fill the tank ready for staying put in Crick.

We arrived at the water tap at about 12 noon filled up and set off to Crick arriving there at 1.30 pm.

A quick dash after we had moored up to get to the Red Lion pub for lunch, we only managed the main course as I think they gave us extra portions to clear their stock, as we were probably their last lunch time customers for the day!!

Sunday, April 29

Sunday 29th April.

We stopped still all day while the rain and wind tried to tear us away from the bank and flood the canal.

We caught up with jobs on the boat.

Mon 30th April.

A change to the weather, it's nice and sunny so we take off towards Crick.

The plan was to dawdle a bit over the summit but with the sun being out and a dry day we motored on to the woods near Yelvertoft a journey of three hours.

The moorings were empty so we chose to more back away from bridge 36 so that the dogs weren't tempted to run around the fields or the woods.
It did cloud over late afternoon but it kept relatively warm.
Saturday 28th April.

A little rain to start with then it stopped and we set sail a short cruise of 45 mins. to the Laughton Hills.
Knowing the forecast is for very heavy rain and stormy winds on Sunday we needed a good mooring and not under trees.
Friday 27th April.

Not raining in the morning and the forecast is that it will start raining about 11 am.
As we wanted to go up the locks we set off at 8.30am. We arrived at the bottom of the locks at about 9 am. As far as I could see there was no other boats waiting to go up. After mooring the boat at the bottom of the locks, I set off up the locks to find the Lock Keeper, he was in his office above the cafe at the top of the Locks. We were the only boat waiting so we would come up first at 10 o'clock.
When the locks were opened we set off assisted by the lock keeper then by another volunteer lock keeper and then yet another volunteer lock Keeper came to help as well!!

 We managed the trip in 44 minutes and without it raining. Moored at the top and took on water.
Then I drove the car to Harborough parked it at the Wharf car park and caught the bus back to Foxton.
Thursday 26th April.

Moored by bridge 63 below Foxton locks. Rained most of the day. Took the car the  Harboroughto shop.